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Friday, March 30, 2012




Hello everyone, hope your well? I haven't posted anything in a while, so i thought would , So back to the title "proof" that aliens and the end days are near, as far as the "Ancient alien" supporters go, it is,and also that aliens have been and are still here, since the beginning of time. I think that our universe is filled with life, intelligent or not,they may look like us, or us like them, or there looks are much stranger than our minds can compute, so according to us, life seems to need a few things to prosper, and that is, other life, so we can multiply,we also need air to breath(not necessary oxygen), and water for its many purposes, and energy.a nice warm wet planet would ignite this process, so more than likely we have many forms of life in our universe, i think the vastness of space and the great distances in which intelligent life has to overcome to send a signal or a probe, such as we would, which would be in a problem in its self, if we get one of those messages, it may be a bad day. Given for instance most rules that apply here, also apply for the universe, nothing can travel faster then the speed of light , or so we think, and if this law applies everywhere, then a signal or probe would take hundreds if not thousands of years to get here, and that's a long time. For instance, send a signal to a known part of the universe that's just 50 light years away, and we started the conversation, so if they were able to read it and send one back, by the time it gets here, 100 years have gone by.... wow, we or they could have been destroyed by then...... Think about it......... And as for the end days prophecy goes, i believe some may be true, but we as Humans get to look back at what we did wrong in the past in order to ensure that we will go on. That's unless many of mother natures evils get to us first, for instance a large asteroid or comet could hit us and destroy life as we know it. This is not fiction but fact, and we know its just a matter of time for the next big one.So life has had many challenges and we've always seem to adapt, but i know without a doubt everybody, including me, whether the world will end this year or not, for millions of people it will end, regardless. There's no need to become a "Doomsday Prep-per" or a survival fanatic,because nothing that we deem as life on earth, will last forever, so live for the day, and don't forget to keep your eyes and ears open, and look up every now and then. ya never now what you might see.... come back to post or do a little reading, thank you, have a wonderful day. usedcarspotrentadealel created by jpbjjb48146 based on car-com | usedcarspotrentadealel created by jpbjjb48146 based on car-com | project test 1 created by jpbjjb48146 based on car-com | project test 1 created by jpbjjb48146 based on car-com |

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Planet Earth


Hello everyone, hope your day is going well, especially to my fellow "Head and Neck cancer survivors and patients". I'm going to stray from my story today to talk about something called "Hope", and how the way people in general think about hope. I think most of us have these feelings when it comes to hope , i believe, some us believe there is none,in ,there are some people whom all they do is hope, and wonder why it seems to elude them, others may hope for something materialistic and may be filled with joy upon getting what they had "Hoped" for,or others having feelings of sadness, and pain, because they did not get what they "Hoped" for, and others see "Hope" in children's eyes, which give them strength and a sense of well being, others draw "Hope" from the strong people around them,and there are those that literally have no "Hope" , and there are some just "Hoping" to die. so know i'm wondering how you see"Hope",But the mane thing is i still believe there "Hope" for anyone who seek its, so leave your comments please, i would like to hear fro you, and to all those battling cancer in on way or another, i say god bless you, and always remember "THERES HOPE", Thank you for reading my post, come back soon and read the rest of "My Story", Have a wonderful day........

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The first day, part two.......

Hello, hope its been a good week for everyone, this is a continuation of my post, The first day..... I can tell you looking back now at the first day i was told i had cancer, it seemed to last forever. After leaving the doctors office with all my appointments in hand, the next two weeks leading to my first surgery would be filled with consults for radiation, chemo-therapy, and of course surgery. The consults were as if i was being put thru a assembly line, one after another they came, i even had to see a dental oncologist, everything had been covered except how i would deal with this monster emotionally, that would be a journey i would find out that i would struggle with alone. Two weeks went by fast, i attended a few family dinners and my sons graduation party, it had felt like all eyes were on me, it was quite uncomfortable, even though everyone was reassuring and sympathetic, it made me feel as if i was being prepared for my funeral. physically i hadn't changed, emotionally i was numb, sure i smiled and laughed and kept a outwards appearance of being strong, but inside i was scared, for the first time in my life i had thoughts not only of death, but a long, painful, undignified death, definitely not the way i thought i would leave this life........well, that's all for now, i didn't sleep well last night, again,so with that i say, thank you for stopping by, and come back soon, please feel free to post your thoughts, have a wonderful day......

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

What a Day!!!!!!

Hello, thanks for coming back, well as i said i had a doctors appointment yesterday and was a hour and a half late, me P.O.S car decided it would only take me half way there before it gave out on me, so the rest of day i spent trying to get my car running and praying it would get me to my doctors and home, i surely didn't need a tow bill to add to my problems, thank god it did, so today i will be spending my time trying to figure out whats wrong with it and then getting someone to fix it, so i'm sorry this post is short, come back later tonite or tomorrow and i will have something new for you to read.... thanks and have a wonderful day.... check out the video bar on "squamous cell carcinoma" at the bottom of the page, i'm sure you will find it interesting.......

Tuesday, March 20, 2012




Hello, hows everybody? well i will make this post short, i have a appointment at my pain clinic at 2pm, for cancer patients and survivors, pain often becomes the main issue in your life during and after treatment, now don't get me wrong, i thank god for every moment i have on this earth, i'm happy to be here to feel the pain, trust me....well i will be post some more after my doctor appointment and write about my story, so until then, never give up, there is hope for you, god bless..

Friday, March 16, 2012

The First Day...

Hello, welcome to my blog, i will began start with the day my doctor told me i had cancer. It was June 2006, a hot muggy day,my ex-wife and me packed up my young son(a little over a year old) she (my ex-wife) had packed the usual things for my son and we began our trip. The ride to the doctors office was long and it was during rush hour traffic, so we all know how that can be, me and my wife were arguing as we often did because she didn't like the way i was driving, to make a long story short, when we arrived at the doctors office the waiting room was full and we had to sit in the hallway, which angered my wife to the point that she decide she wanted to leave,so there i was waiting in a hot stuffy hallway, mad that my wife and my son had left. the wait was long, about 3 hours i guess,but the doctor had already received my blood work,MRI and ct scans from my family doctor so i had figured the e.n.t doctor i was about to see already knew my diagnoses. So finally after a long wait my name was called and a was taking back to a room to be examined.I had never seen this doctor before so that had added to my anxiety in which was already off the scale because of the long wait. The doctor came in with his young intern and with a quick introduction he began his examine which entailed putting a long endoscope thru my right nasal passage and down my throat, he quickly began telling his intern some numbers and locations and told his intern to have a look, needless to say i knew something was wrong but i had thought to myself other than having this black hose down my throat i had felt okay. Finally after about a 15 minute examine the doctor said quite coldly, "Mr B, you have CANCER",without emotion he quickly began telling me what kind of cancer i had , where its was at and the stages, he then called for his nurse to set me up for surgery in two weeks, i remember i was speechless at first, then it hit me, i began to say ,this can't be, i have a new son. I suddenly became confused, i had to call someone, i had to call my wife, a nurse came in and gently took hold of my hand and lead me to a phone, i was trembling as i called my wife who angrily answered the and said " what the hell do you want", i told her what the doctor had said and the phone became silent, i said hello are you there and with in a minute my wife was walking into the room, she had been out in the waiting room with my son, as she came in with my son in a stroller, the doctor began to tell her, he said "your husband has throat cancer" my head had cleared up enough to listen to what he was saying and i began to listen, Mr b " you have stage two squamous cell carcinoma on your left tonsil and that's not so bad, but its has metastasized to your lymph nodes and there it is stage four", i remember looking to my wife and she was crying, i looked to my son, who was chewing on a teething ring, it felt like i was watching someone else being told they have cancer, as i asked what are my chances, he told me in a cool calculating voice " about 40 percent of surviving the rest of this year", my heart sunk to my stomach swell that's it for today, obviously i beat the odds or i wouldn't in be posting this right now, so i say to you, if your either a cancer patient or a family member, a number is just a number, remain strong, and try to be positive... go ahead and do some posting, its helps to talk about it, never give up hope!!! come back to read more about my story, you just might find its quite similar to yours.....God Bless, and have a wonderful day:)

Monday, March 12, 2012

Good morning, i know i said in my earlier post that i will be sharing my journey with cancer and i hope you will share your journeys with me, so please feel free tro post, i had spent the weekend with my 7 year old son, so i havent had much time to do anything, now hes back home so i will be updating soon and often, since im currently disabled and have nothing to do this week, i plan on doing some research and im still trying to set up my other blogs, im very new to this and not very good with computers, so come back soon and often, any suggestions or help would ge greatly appreciated, in the me time is ask you to share your cancer stories with me, whether your a patient,family member, or are caring for someone with head and neck cancer, please post away!!!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Have nothing to post for now, but come back soon if you would like to read about my struggles with head and neck cancer, specifically sqaumous cell carcinoma which started on my tonsils and metatisisized to my lympnodes, and the radical left neck dissection with the removal of 57 lymphnodes that has changed my life, in the mean time, if your currently batteling cancer or a cancer survivor i would like to hear you story.