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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

P.E.T Scan Follow up

Hello everyone, hope your all doing well, so yesterday i posted i was going for my Doctor appointment at my Oncologist for my 6 month check up and i never went, i broke one of my rules to never miss a Doctor appointment, but you see, i'm on Disability and i didn't have the gas money to go, i'm sure some of you think i get paid to do this, i can tell you that i havent made a penny, nor am i trying to, so that's what happened, please post any comments or questions, and comeback later for some good advice, God Bless

Tuesday, April 24, 2012



P.E.T Scan Today

Hello everyone, hope your all doing well, today at 145pm is blood work and pet scan day, its been six months since the last one, and the anxiety of this appointment today has kept me up for days, i pray this one comes out good, I've had so much bad luck over the last couple months so it really makes me scared. I've been in remission for 4 years, my Doctor tells me if i make it to 5 years, i will have a 90% chance of living another 20 years, i told him, shit, if i can make it to long enough to see my 7 year old son graduate, i will be happy, my 3 other children are all in college, my 23 year old son is a paramedic and will also finish his RN class in august, my 22 year old daughter is in her third year of pre-med at MSU, and my 19 year old daughter is in Mexico, helping the poor people, I'm so proud of all of them, enough about me, i would like to read about you, post any comments or questions you want, you don't have to have cancer to do so, the cancer i was cursed with was brought on by my life style, i can blame no one but myself, so for those of you who don't have it, please stay away from alcohol and any kind of tobacco product and your chances of living a long happy life is very possible, Thank You for stopping by and ask you to comeback soon and often, i will be posting my results of my tests as soon as i get them back, oh, almost forgot, i found this on the net, its a guide to relieving pain without pills, and it really works, i wouldn't put it on my site if it didn't, so if you like, go ahead and give it a try, its sure less then all those narcotics they want to put in your body so now along with cancer, you become a addict, so try it, God Bless

Sunday, April 22, 2012

" Marijuana"

Hello everyone, hope your doing well, thank you for stopping by. I want to talk briefly about "Medical Marijuana", i know in my state where it is legal a great deal of Doctors have been opening up clinics just to certify people to get there Medical Marijuana other Doctors , charging 200 bucks per visit,i believe you can get your card if you have a toothache and your Doctor signs a certification saying you need it.First i would say that i'm one of the few legitimate card holders because of neuropathy and chronic pain issues from having Head and Neck Cancer, as mos t of you know, chemotherapy and radiation used to kill cancer cells also destroy good cells and nerve endings,pain receptors, basically the radiation effects your body from head to toe, and some of the damage it does is permanently, to make this short because my son is visiting me, i would like to know your comments on the use Marijuana, i knows there are a lot of pro's and con's on how it effects your body, personally i use drops, so there are many ways to use it other than smoking it, i know that Historians believe that Marijuana has been used for thousand's of years in some shape or form, and plus i look at it this way, man did not develop a cannabis plant, it has grown on earth naturally, long before man was able to manipulate the strains of cannabis, so i figure it was put here for a purpose, so whether you use or not, please leave your comments on this matter. Thank You, and God Bless, come back soon to check out the updates...

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Hello everyone i hope your all doing and feeling well. I would like to talk to you about something that has effected my life since my early teens,"Panic Attacks, when i was about 12 or 13 i started getting these moments when i would actually feel as if i were dying, in fact my parents rushed me to the local E.R several times, only to find out there was nothing wrong. My panic attacks followed me thru my teens and early twenties until finally i had found a Doctor who suffered from them too. This was a great relief to me as i thought i was going crazy, i'm sure there are a lot of you who are reading this right now who know exactly what i mean, anyways, i was give a prescription that work very well, only problem was that when i took it i was pretty much useless for that day because it was a sedative, this was not a option for me because i was a paramedic Detroit EMS, so i had to be alert at all times,the panic attacks subsided and life was somewhat normal again until i was told i had Cancer, i can tell you that the panic attack came back with a vengeance. Now i had been told i was really dieing and of course the only thing that they did was over medicate me, i couldn't stand it anymore, i was loosing out on time with my young son because although physically i was here but i was heavily sedated, finally i came across a Doctor who recommend this self help guide, ( just click on the "click here" button at the end of this for more information) i couldn't believe it, this really works, that's why i feel i should share this with , as i know many of you probably suffer from this disease as well, so i ask you to go ahead and give it a try, im sure you will benefit from this in one way or another, Thank You for stopping by, i invite you to post your comments and ideas or even a little about your story, God Bless Click Here!


SURVIVORS OF HEAD AND NECK CANCER  Heart Breaking Video, Please watch, Help Fight Cancer

Heart breaking Video

Monday, April 16, 2012

Pet Scan Time AGAIN

Hello, i pray that everyone is doing well. It that time again, my PET, scan is a week away and i cant help but worry , although i have been in remission I'm and filled with fear, even though i have stopped the habits that caused my cancer i still fill my body with many toxins each day, i take 11 different meds a day, most of them are for pain, these medications i know for a fact weaken my body and immune system, without them my physical pain would be unbearable and my quality of life would be poor, so as this date approaches my body tremors, sleep has been a elusive to me, i cant seem to turn off my mind, just the thought of laying on that cold table reminds of laying on a slab in a morgue somewhere. so i will just make this post short, as the words i wish to write down are very hard to pull from the worry that fills my mind, i promise next post will be more interesting, so until then, Thank You for stopping by, please come back soon and often, and you are more then welcome to post your comments, thoughts, or personal stories of your struggles, whether you a cancer patient or not, i look forward to reading about you as well...... god bless

Friday, April 13, 2012



RX - Help, As Needed

Hello, just a quick post, Ive found out in my time in remission that instead of laying around the house if you feel up to it, take some time to volunteer at a hospital or a nursing home but only if you feel well enough, always check with you doctor before taking on any more stress in your life, lord knows that "Cancer" is a huge burden to carry around, and while your here,since it doesn't cost you anything to check out my website be sure to click and it will help me to continue to take time and find things that might benefit you or someone you know, so comeback soon and often to see what i'm posting, i also invite you to take part and post on this site, comments,questions or anything you that is important to you, remember, you can post anything you want as long as it has something to do with this sites topic, Thank You once again for stopping by, God Bless.

Thursday, April 12, 2012


Hello everyone, Thank you for visiting my little piece the net. I would like to take a moment to talk about the "Titanic, i know its a little off the blogs title,please bear with my ramblings for a moment. As far back as i can remember I've always heard stories about this " Unsinkable Ship ", and it has always fascinated me, i remember being glued to the t.v when i heard she was found nearly 3 miles down on the ocean floor, and i'm quite sure most of us has watched or read something about her journey, and here it is, 2 days short of her 100Th anniversary, we have to give Robert Ballard and his team a huge amount of credit for finding her and letting us all share in this great adventure and to bring us all much closer to the reality of this tragedy that too over 1500 lives. I cant help but think that our journeys are not quite so different. i'm sure all of us at one point in our life we've all felt we were " Unsinkable" so to speak. As we began our journey in life most of us have had the feeling of "Invincibility, as we cannot forget the "Titanic", we can never forget when we heard the words "You Have Cancer", this journey that all of us began,and some of us who began this journey have also ended in tragedy, but for each one of us who have made it thru this journey for so long, we can never forget those who have not made it, and my prayers go out to all. Those of us who are still here know we can never say never, for as long as God gives us the grace to be here, we can never give up Hope. I must say to all of you who may be suffering right now to think of this as another journey in your life, and yes we as found out that we are not made of steel, i know some of you may feel weak right now,but there is no shame in drawing strength from those of whom we love, its OK to lean on someone when you need to, its okay to ask for help when your in pain, we must all stick together on this journey, and never give up, we also have a obligation to educate everyone about this disease so they do not go down the same path we have taken, and we must also help those who have just started there journey, so i say to you, you are never alone and i pray your journey ends well. Thank you for taking a moment to read my post, i will be here as long as i can, so come back every now and then, i encourage you to post a comment or a question or even a little about you journey as well, Good night and God Bless.........

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Doctors Apointments and Treatment

Hello everyone, Thank you for visiting my little slice of the Internet. Now i would like to stress all the cancer patients to please make all you follow up appointments with your Doctor, and continue with any treatment you've been having, I'm writing this because as a cancer patient myself in remission i remember specifically that every Doctor on my team at "Karmanos Cancer Center" in Detroit couldn't stress enough to me to make sure i did everything they told me and i would get the best possible care. I should take my own advice because for one reason or another, i have missed my last two oncology appointments, which is a very bad thing to do. You see by following all my doctors advice, and believe me, i had a whole team of Doctors working on my case, and they always said, never miss a appointment or treatment, no matter how sick you get from your treatments, and no matter what, Make Your Follow up appointments. I think i have a wonderful on oncologist, hes very nice, has great bed side manors and he never leave me in the dark about anything when it come to my health, he works at "Karmanos in Detroit", he is the chief of e.n.t surgery, a professor and has had many article written about his pioneering cancer treatment and surgery using "The Da Vinci Surgical Laser" in which he can with very minimal invasive procedures target individual cancer cells and destroy them, leaving the normal cells untouched, which means faster recovery, only small incisions are made, so the chance of getting a infection is greatly reduced, and best of all, he has a very high survival rate for his patients. If anyone reading this who has head and neck cancer would like some more info on how to get a appointment with this doctor or Karmanos please post a question or comment with your email, and i will be more than happy to answer all your questions. I also have something to say to the family members and friends of cancer patients to do everything you can to help them stick with the program no matters how bad might get. I didn't have the option of using "The Da Vinci surgical laser" as it has only been approved since 2008 and i had the majority of my major surgery's between 2005 and 2008. So i ask you please don't give up, there is plenty of resources out there to help you, i know , i had to use them, so if you would like any info or have any questions, i can steer you in the right direction.....Thank you for visiting my blog, and please feel free to post when your here, i would like to hear from all my readers..... God Bless

Sunday, April 8, 2012



Jesus,"from resurrection to ascension" 40 days

Hello everyone, i hope everybody has has a wonderful and safe Easter, i wanted to take this day and talk a little about the 40 days Jesus walked the earth after his resurrection. Now is this a matter of personal belief or a matter of history, we know for a fact a man called Jesus walked this earth for 33 years after his miraculous birth, we know this because his memory has survived for over two thousands years, and his ministry has grown to over 1 billion devote followers all over the world,this is the ultimate word of mouth scenario. We have very few physical objects that proves he existed, thru the gospels of his disciples, and the "shroud of turin" that exists still in Spain, and nobody can agree if its authentic. I think, does it really matter whether this event happened or not, what matters is that his short time on this earth has hope to countless believers over the last two thousand years, that in itself is a miracle!!! will anyone remember me or you two thousands years from now? I highly doubt it. This doesn't mean that our lives our insignificant, because what we do today, the choices we make in our own lives does effect how the world will be tomorrow, so if you or i didn't exist, this world would be a different place,each one of us has a purpose, we were given a life with the freedom of choice, and i believe that is sacred, so i guess what i'm trying to express to you is that it doesn't matter what or who you believe in, just as long as it doesn't infringe upon anyone else's god , and never give up your hopes and dreams, and remember to think before you act, because surely what you do today can and will effect your tomorrows, Thank you for stopping by, my prayers are with all that suffer from this horrible disease, and please feel free to post or comment, your words do matter, good nite and god bless..........P.S if you scroll down a little on my blog you can see a video with a very emotional song, Please watch it!!! Never gaive up HOPE!! Thank you.

Friday, April 6, 2012





In search of part 2

In search of part 2

In search of part 2

In search of part 2

In search of part 2

In search of part 2

In search of part 2

In search of part 2








This Easter weekend my thoughts and prayers will be with my fellow cancer survivors, patients and family members, remember there is always hope, god bless and have a safe and happy Easter weekend.