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Sunday, April 22, 2012

" Marijuana"

Hello everyone, hope your doing well, thank you for stopping by. I want to talk briefly about "Medical Marijuana", i know in my state where it is legal a great deal of Doctors have been opening up clinics just to certify people to get there Medical Marijuana other Doctors , charging 200 bucks per visit,i believe you can get your card if you have a toothache and your Doctor signs a certification saying you need it.First i would say that i'm one of the few legitimate card holders because of neuropathy and chronic pain issues from having Head and Neck Cancer, as mos t of you know, chemotherapy and radiation used to kill cancer cells also destroy good cells and nerve endings,pain receptors, basically the radiation effects your body from head to toe, and some of the damage it does is permanently, to make this short because my son is visiting me, i would like to know your comments on the use Marijuana, i knows there are a lot of pro's and con's on how it effects your body, personally i use drops, so there are many ways to use it other than smoking it, i know that Historians believe that Marijuana has been used for thousand's of years in some shape or form, and plus i look at it this way, man did not develop a cannabis plant, it has grown on earth naturally, long before man was able to manipulate the strains of cannabis, so i figure it was put here for a purpose, so whether you use or not, please leave your comments on this matter. Thank You, and God Bless, come back soon to check out the updates...

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